Welcome to the OOP course page of Thijmen. Here I explain a bit more, and I hope easier how java works and what you need to know for your exam at the Radboud University. First things first, disclaimers and sources: I am not a Object Orientated Programming TA, nor am I a OOP teacher. I do not know everything about OOP so if you have questions, there is a valid chance I don’t know the answer as well. You can use chatGPT for smaller questions, or if your uncertain, ask a TA/Teacher. That should be your main source of information. You should only use this as additional material next to the material Radboud provides you.
Sources: For started I of course used the slides and recording provided by the Radboud. Because I don’t think I’m allowed to publish these. You can find your slides in Brightspace. I mainly used the slides/recordings of 2023-2024, since that’s my cohort. But was able to here and there edit and adjust to 2024-2025 class.
I might have done a live session with one or more people about OOP. That is highly recommended to attend. Not only will I discuss all things below. I will also perform some live coding with feedback. If you want to attend the live session, please fill out this registration form.
Not that anyone is going to read that… but at least you now can’t say: “I got something on the test that you didn’t cover” or “That looks a lot like Radboud material”
Course overview:
Lesson 1 – Introduction
Learning goals
• Write, compile and execute a Java program (in Visual Studio Code) (See my setup guide here)
• Define classes with fields and methods;
• Distinguish static and dynamic methods;
• Define objects as instances of such a class;
• Use Java arrays;
• Use rudimentary Java input/output (Scanner);
• Define and use a toString() method for user-defined classes;
• Concentrate all input/output in a single class.
Referenced links talked about in the video:
Extensions on VSCode
Assignment 1
Click here to download the assignment
Click here to download the slides
Click here to download the answers to the assignment. Note that there might be multiple different answers. If you want, I can take a look at it. Note that you might not get an answer from me, because I’m too busy. If you have a really important question. I suggest using the contact form.
Submit Assignment for manual feedback (no guarantee for response)
Lesson 2 – …
Assignment 1
Click here to download the assignment
Click here to download the slides
Click here to download the answers to the assignment. Note that there might be multiple different answers. If you want, I can take a look at it. Note that you might not get an answer from me, because I’m too busy. If you have a really important question. I suggest using the contact form.
Submit Assignment for manual feedback (no guarantee for response)
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Did you enjoy the course? And were you able to learn anything? Feel free to buy me a beer :). Hosting this website, setting up the course including recording and creating exercises and setting up the website was quite some work. I started this project around December 1 2024. If you’re interested in leaving a donation, please check out the donation page.